February 8, 2010

Personal Project | 4 People 12 Photos | The January Edition

Tara Whitney recently issued the greatest family photo challenge; take a photo of your family once a month, share a few things about what’s going on with your family that month and then make it into a book at the end of the year.

This is simply a great idea and yes I will be taking up this challenge! I really love this idea. We just never seem to have the time or the opportunity to take a family picture. Being a photographer, it seems I’m always the one snapping the pictures but rarely am I actually in the photo.

So I’m taking part in this challenge. I can commit to doing this once a month. So I challenge you to do the same. Grab your camera (any camera or even your camera phone) and take a picture of your family…all of you together just as you are. Use the timer on your camera, hold the camera out with your arm and squeeze everyone in, visit one of those photo booths at the mall…whatever you need to do…JUST DO IT!

January Notes:

We need to do more of this. The last family picture we had taken was back in August…way too long!

This was taken with the timer on my camera propped on a bench in a back alleyway on Granville Island. Technically not perfect but does it matter? No.

We were down at Granville Island riding the Olympic Line streetcar before the world comes to Vancouver later this week. You can really feel the energy in the city. Lots of red mitts and Canada hoodies were spotted.

Yes, Corinne is asleep in the Ergo. As per usual..but she woke up about 2 minutes after this shot was taken. As per usual.

Erin has two cats and a dog in her hands. As per usual. She counted up some money from her own piggy bank and purchased the dog while we were out.

Corinne is now a walking machine. Walks to the front door and makes it very clear that she would like us all to put on our shoes and coats and get outside to play. Smart girl!

Erin is very interested in building elaborate scenes with her toys. Everywhere I look I find little beds made for animals or a cardboard boxes turned into a house. She has also been practicing riding her two wheeler.

January saw a little reorganization of the office. Sent many books to the Sally Ann and cleaned and organized. Feels so good to purge a few things. Need to do more of that.


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